Tomato, Cucumber & Chickpea Salad

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Note: This Tomato, Cucumber and Chickpea Salad first appeared on the blog on March, 9 2013 and is such a FAVORITE that I wanted to update it with bright new photos!

I am ALL about tomatoes in the summer and this tomato, cucumber and chickpea salad is one of my favorites for summer entertaining!  I literally make this almost every time we have people over to grill out at our house because it’s always such a big hit.  Not only does it look so pretty and vibrant when serving, but it also tastes amazing!  All you need are a few simple ingredients and 5 minutes to throw this together so it’s a quick and easy side dish when you don’t have a lot of time.

There’s nothing more refreshing on a hot day then crisp cold veggies and you can feel good about eating this because it’s such a healthy option!

I usually like to make this salad about 30 minutes (or an hour) before serving as that gives the veggies enough time to really marinate, but won’t allow them to get soggy.  I love my cucumbers and tomatoes nice and crisp!  All the veggies are then tossed together with a delicious lemon herb vinaigrette which gives this salad such a fresh taste.

I also love how versatile this salad is!  You can add in more veggies like broccoli or corn, throw in some cooked pasta or even add some mozzarella or feta cheese!  You can also sub in different kinds of fresh herbs.  I used parsley in this recipe, but you could use basil, thyme or even mint!

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