Apple Pie Overnight Oats

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Mornings can get pretty hectic around here between getting my toddler fed and out the door to her pre-school and diving straight into my busy work day which is why I LOVE making overnight oats!  I can literally throw all the ingredients together in just 5 minutes the night before and wake up the next day to the most delicious breakfast.  Quick, easy and no clean up necessary.  What’s not to love??

This recipe is one of my favorites because it legit tastes like FALL in a jar.  Apple pie overnight oats made with whole grain oats, shredded apple, chia seeds and warm spices all soaked in almond milk for the perfect morning breakfast that is also vegan, gluten-free and loaded with all the good-for-you stuff!  It also makes a great post-workout meal and even your kids will love this!

Here’s What You’ll Need

  • Rolled oats – I used whole-grain old fashioned rolled oats for this recipe, just make sure they’re certified gluten-free if making GF overnight oats
  • Shredded apple – the best part of this whole recipe!  I used Honeycrisp because of that wonderful tart/sweet taste, but any type of apples will work
  • Almond milk – I used unsweetened almond milk, but any type of milk will work in this recipe to soak the oats.  You could also add a little unsweetened applesauce as well for more apple flavor.
  • Maple syrup – naturally sweetens the oats and tastes incredible with all the warm fall spices!  You could also use honey or other natural sweetener of choice
  • Vanilla extract – the perfect flavor boost!
  • Chia seeds – I love adding chia seeds because not only do they absorb the liquid and add great texture, but they also add extra fiber and protein!
  • Spices – delicious combination of cinnamon and nutmeg, you could also use apple pie spice!

How to Make Apple Pie Overnight Oats

The great thing about making overnight oats is that there is absolutely NO COOKING involved at all.  You just mix all your ingredients together the night before in a bowl or jar, cover and let them soak overnight.  In the morning, give it a good stir and you have a delicious breakfast ready to go!  Just remember, anything you add to these oats will become absorbed overnight so you’ll want to add all your fun toppings right before eating.  These oats taste great right out of the fridge cold, but heating up them in the microwave makes them taste SO cozy, similar to oatmeal or warm apple pie!  10/10 recommend.

Let’s Talk Toppings!

Toppings and mix-ins are the best part about overnight oats!  So many fun ways to get creative with your breakfast and really amp up the flavor.  Here’s some of my favorite toppings to add to my oats:

  • Fresh or dried fruit – for this recipe I mixed in some shredded apple, but you could also add banana slices, assorted berries or even dried fruit like cranberries, raisins, apricots, etc.
  • Nut butter – I love adding a little creamy nut butter to my oats like peanut butter or almond butter, but any type of nut butter will work
  • Nuts and seeds – This adds a nice crunch to the oats and you can use almonds, walnuts, sunflower seeds, hemp seeds, shredded coconut, I mean there are so many options!
  • Granola – this is one of my favorite toppings to add because of the crunch and flavor it adds and I love using my super easy recipe for maple cinnamon granola which tastes amazing with these fall flavors!
  • Dollops – aside from nut butters, I’ve also topped my oats with a dollop of chia seed jam, homemade caramel sauce or you could even add a little Greek yogurt or whipped cream (now we’re getting into dessert territory and I’m not mad about it)
  • Chocolate – and because I’m not mad this can also be a delicious dessert, I sometimes like to add some nutrient-rich cacao nibs or my go-to chocolate chips that are low in sugar and carbs

Prepping and Storing

The great thing about overnight oats is that they can last for up to 4 to 5 days in your fridge which makes them perfect for meal prep!  I like to mix everything together and store in a wide mouth mason jar which has an airtight, sealed lid.  It makes the perfect serving and you can even double or triple the recipe if planning to enjoy this for the week.  Now because this particular recipe has shredded apple in it, I would suggest enjoying this in the first two days, but if you don’t add any fresh fruit, it will definitely last up to 4 to 5 days!  If the oats seem super thick after a few days, you can just add in a splash of milk right before serving.

More Overnight Oats Recipes to Try

  • Peanut Butter and Banana Overnight Oats
  • Blueberry Granola Overnight Oats
  • Strawberry Chia Overnight Oats
  • Salted Caramel Overnight Oats
  • Blueberry Muffin Overnight Oats

More Apple Recipes to Try

  • Healthy Apple Cinnamon Muffins
  • Healthy Apple Crisp
  • Maple Cinnamon Sautéed Apples
  • Apple Cinnamon Thumbprint Cookies
  • Harvest Apple Cider Punch

Hope you all enjoy these Apple Pie Overnight Oats and if you love this recipe as much as we do, please leave me a five-star rating below and don’t forget to tag me on Instagram using the hashtag #eatyourselfskinny! I love seeing all your delicious recreations!

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